News,  Projects

7 th Day Of The Project

12 May, 2023

Today participants went to visit compost site in Korthi, Andros Island. Andros has a target of achieving zero-bio waste which is exemplary for other units. Andros is actively implementing the Euro-Mediterranean program “SIRCLES” (Supporting Circular Economy Opportunities for Employment and Social Inclusion) by adopting an original model of the circular economy.

The participants have been introduced to the mechanisms the island is using for promoting environmental protection.

Later they visited environmental education facility where island’s schoolchildren are taught environmentally beneficial activities.

In the late afternoon, participants engaged in activities at venue, including drawing one another in circles, which highlighted how differently others see us and how important it is to remain self-sustainable. Participants were also introduced to the advantages of diversity in workplace and they presented on how multidimensional atmosphere, generally, can promote productivity and efficiency.

#NoDiscriminationEdu #AcceptAllYouth #EqualLearn4All #InclusiveEducationProj #YouthEqualityNow #ErasmusPlusYouthGR #ErasmusPlus #EuropeanYearOfSkills #AndrosIsland #KtimaAgadaki #MunicipalityOfAndros

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